
Caricature 1 Caricature 2

(Left: black and white, right: colorized)

This project was an interesting venture in figure drawing in that it allowed us to skew our perception of ourselves. Normally, we are taught to draw directly from observation, but this project allowed us to see ourselves as more of a cartoon-like entity. Despite being stylized, there still existed a need to make these representative to ourselves in one way or another. Continue reading “Caricature”

Electronic Journal: Week 1

With my background in art, figure drawing has always been stressed as one of the most important skills of an artist. With classes in the past, there seemed to always be a figure drawing unit, which the same things were stressed; draw out the important features first, and add in detail later. What I’ve found out about myself is that I can draw a realistic form, but my method could still use improvement. Continue reading “Electronic Journal: Week 1”